Monday, September 24, 2012

Review: Fallen

Lauren Kate
Published by: Delacorte Press
Released: December 8, 2012
Finally! I have finished one of the many books I am reading. I blame this new magical world I just discovered called BBC America that has these wonderful shows called Doctor Who and Sherlock. I also blame school. Curse you AP Euro...
Anyway, I basically forced myself to finish this book, just like I am forcing myself to finish all of the other ones I am currently reading. This happens every year around this time because I know all of my favorites that I am eagerly for are coming out soon (Next is Mark of Athena). Also school. I tend to blame school a lot.
So this book wasn't horrible, but it wasn't a favorite either. The story is good and it kept me interested.
Angels. Okay, right now I am going through my angel phase. Two years ago was my vampire phase; last year was my demigod phase (Which I'm still currently in, I guess. Percy Jackson forever!). Anyway, I love stories about angels and this one was different from my expectations. I'll admit, I thought I would be reading something eerily similar to Hush, Hush.  This book threw me a huge curveball. It was so much different than I expected and I like that. I love it when I go into a book expecting something then end up being surprised.
It left me guessing. Usually I can pretty much predict the whole story. This one I couldn't and that bugged me so much. Yet, I was really glad there was things I could not guess. I had to skim the ending because I was really curious at how everything would play out. WARNING: Don't skim the ending. You will find out something that you don't want to know. I gave myself a Gibbs Slap DiNozzo would approve of for that big mistake. DON'T SKIM THE ENDING. IT WILL CAUSE HORRIBLE FEELS.
Luce. Luce is one of those characters that drive me absolutely crazy because of their stupid actions. I didn't think anybody could out beat Nora Grey for stupidity, but Luce, I think you may take the prize. Don't get me wrong, I like Luce. But geez, you could only have so many stupid protagonists before I go crazier than I already am. I think stupid girls and angels go hand in hand. But that may just be me. I don't know. I just hoped that Luce would be different.
The Love Triangle? The whole attempt at a love triangle was pointless. I hate love triangles and this story would have been fine without it. I'm not even sure if I am able to call it a love triangle since Luce obsessed over Daniel the whole time. I hate love triangles.
Boring towards middle. The beginning was good. The ending was good. I was bored in the middle. I think that was what made me take so long to read it, because I just wanted something really big to happen and nothing did. So I was kind of disappointed. But it does pick up towards the end. I know that I am curious enough to continue with them just to see how it all plays out.
So all of these books are out, but I don't recommend buying them from the store. I would borrow them from the library or a friend. Or you could buy them all on an eReader. Anyway, they are not on of my favorite series, but they are still a pretty decent read for all fans of angels.
Off topic for a second. Can we just look at Penn's full name? Pennyweather Van Syckle Lockwood. Dear God, what did she do to deserve such a horrible name? I am curious at how Lauren Kate came up with this one. It is truly the most unique fictional name I have heard. Congrats Peeta, somebody beat you in the most creative name department.
Review by Calypso

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