Monday, August 27, 2012

Review: Captivate

Carrie Jones
Published by: Bloomsbury
Released: January 5, 2010
My review on Need, the first book in the series:
So I have been wicked busy lately with school starting up in 2 days (Senior Year...WOO!) and haven't had that much time to read. Also, I'm attempting to read 8 books at the same time so that's not real smart on my part. Also trying to balance a job with my reading time because now I have to pay for a car...Anyway, enough about my life. Let's get to the review.
Description from Goodreads:
He smiles. It's a wicked smile. Kind but not kind. Handsome but dangerous. Feral almost. I can see why Nick nearly killed him, Nick...
I ask again, "Why were you in the road?"
"I was waiting for you."

Zara and her friends thought they'd solved the pixie problem. And they did - sort of. The pixie's are all locked away, deep in the woods. But the king's needs grow stronger each day that he is in captivity, while his control over his people weakens. And it's enough to draw a new king into town. Astley claims he is different. He claims there are pixies who can live peacefully with humans, that it doesn't have to be all violence and nastiness all the time. Zara wants to believe him...until Astley also claims that she is fated to be his queen.

There is no way Zara would ever turn pixie. And she's got good friends who will make sure of that. Besides, she and Nick are so in love they're practically inseparable. But when they very thing Zara wants to protect most is exactly what's at risk, she is forced to make choices she never imagined....
I like this book more than the first one. I'm not sure why I did, maybe because it wasn't as odd as the first one or maybe I just became used to the oddness, but I really did like this one. But no book is perfect.
It really focused on Zara and Nick's relationship. I usually am a fan of the romances. I secretly and not so secretly root for all of my favorite fictional couples. But Nick and Zara just annoy the crap out of me. They say that they are in love and stuff, but I just, I don't know, buy it. I think it's because I'm not a fan of Nick, which is saying something. I am usually in love with the fictional guy lead. Nick drives me crazy, along with Devyn. I guess all the guys in this book drive me crazy. Then again, I am not a fan of werewolves (Only Sam and Jordan being an exception).
She introduces a love triangle. For once, I am not complaining. This book needed a love triangle. Oh my god...Am I sick? Did I just seriously admit that? Holy crap. Now, I'm usually a firm believer that the girl should stay with the guy she first fell in love with. Forget the second guy. GO FOR THE FIRST. (There are a rare few cases where this is not true: Katniss/Peeta, Laurel/Tamani, Wendy/Loki). I just like Astley more than Nick. In fact, I think Astley was the only male character I did not want to strangle in this book.
It threw me a little curveball that at first I hated, then learned to love. If you have read this book and are reading this review, then you probably know what I am talking about, seeing as it is basically the reason behind book 3. At first I was saying: "WHAT THE HECK!? I don't even like the guy, but seriously?" Then a few pages later, I was like: "Hehe. Yeah, I am totally okay with this." Next thing I know, I finished the book and it's midnight.
Pixies are just like Vampires. In the first one, I was so mad that werewolves/shifters enemies were pixies. I mean, come on, doesn't anybody else think of Pixie Hollow and Tinkerbell? But as I read this one, the pixies are really similar to vampires. That is, if vampires were blue, have a king, and can fly. But other than that, they are very very similar.
So that's all I got for this one. Yeah, not a long review. But I am only reading these books as what I deem "Time Fillers" because I am waiting for my really important series to come out (Right now, The Raven Boys and Cursed) in September.
So you might like these books more than me. This series could be your important OMG-I-NEED-THE-NEXT-ONE-NOW books. Not all books are for everyone, and this one is not a personal favorite for me. But they are nice Time Fillers and are quickie reads.
Do I recomend you to rush to the store to pick them up? Nah. You can be content just to borrow them from a friend like I am or from the library.
Review by Caly

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